If you reached this blog with normal ways, and you don’t see any warning, then you are not from Turkey. You may be from anywhere on earth except Turkey. Because in Turkey, we cannot reach Blogger with normal ways. If we try it, we see the warning on the link below. For the ones who don’t know Turkish, I’ll try to explain it now. As I said shortly before, a warning is appeared on the mainpage when you try to reach Blogger in Turkey. This warning says “Access to this website has been suspended by court order”... As you know, even YouTube is out of reach in our country. Blogger just became the second curtain of this foolish drama. I began to ask myself “What kind of country I’m living in?” On the other hand, the funnier thing is that we don’t have any explanation about the situation. Perhaps we should call it “cover” instead of “explanation”. Now, I am afraid that Google is next in the queue of prohibition.
The link that I mentioned, here!
Mertens'in pilinin bitmesinden daha doğal bir şey yok
Mertens'in pilinin bitmesinden daha doğal bir şey yok. Geçen sezonun ilk
yarısında ağırlıklı olarak yedek olduğu için, 2. yarısında daha diriydi ve
6 saat önce
2 yorum:
Ben glasgow'da okuyorum, ve butun bLogLari gunLuk takip ediyorum. KibrisLiyim ve arkadasLardan duydugum kadariyla once youtube iLe basLayan bu sacmaLik, BLogger iLe devam ediyor. Sirada gercekten de googLe ve facebook var gibi geLiyor. Resmen 3. degiL 4. dunya uLkesi gibi oLdu Turkiye. Yazik.. Iletsim ozgurLugu gitgide kisitLaniyor. Sukur ki KTunneL, VTunneL gibi tuneLLer var da, biLen girebiLiyor..
This shit must be stopped rite now... For the sake of humanity and freedom...
I am sorry for this situation, it is not a normal thing, but we know the government´s action in many countries are stupid and agaisnt the Freedom and democracy.
Regards from,
(a blog about sport in English and Español)
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